Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Beijing and the Vatican


The original agreement between the Chinese government and the Vatican was that the Vatican recognize legitimacy of the bishops appointed by the Chinese government. The deal is part of Pope Francis's plan to expand Catholic Church's following all across the world. This deal also allows the church to gain for followers all throughout China. There are many disagreements with this because people believe that the Vatican has betrayed its followers by making deals with one of the worlds most oppressive governments. This provisional agreement comes at a time when there have been many reports of the Chinese police cracking down on what they believe to be "illegal religions". There have also been reports of Bishops going missing due to them being disappeared by the police.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

China, Taiwan, Sex


China and Taiwan are in a dispute right now about Chinese allegations that Taiwan has been using honey traps to recruit university exchange students as spies to sabotage activities. In one example there is an 18 year-old girl who is turned into an informer for the Taiwanese government due to her romantic involvement with an Taiwanese spy. According to the article this girl gave the Taiwanese government 100 pieces of information ranging from technological advances to matters of national security and she was compensated 45,000 yuan which is around $6,550.50 USD.

All of these allegations come at a very bad time because Beijing and Taiwan have been feuding due to the election of the Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-Weng. Tsai Ing-Weng wants an independent Taiwan and the Beijing government does not want that to happen.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

First Female Pilot and Top Gun

Japan has appointed their first female pilot as they strive to make a greater attempt to get gender equality. The government is trying to gain more equality in a male dominated nation. She is 1st Lt Misa Matsushima who is 26 and joined the the Japan Air Defense Force after graduating from the National Defense Academy in 2014. In Japan 13,707 women serve making up 6.1% of the Japanese forces. The JASDF did not accept women into their ranks until 1993 but women were not allowed to fly fighter pilots until the ban on them was lifted in 2015. The Prime Minister decided that they would focus more to empower women and decided to call it the "womenomics" approach. Japan is modernizing and it is amazing!

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Typhoon Jebi


Typhoon Jebi has been the strongest to hit Japan in 25 years. It has caused the closure of one of Japans airports causing millions of flights to be canceled. It has been reported that 6 people have died in the wreckage and it is estimated that 160 have been injured. The typhoon landed in Tokushima prefecture just this Tuesday afternoon. The strong winds caused a tanker boat to ram into a bridge that connected Kansai airport to the mainland. 

It has been reported that 11 crew members were on the ship but no one has been injured. Since Japan is 12 hours ahead of the United States the bridge is now open and people have now been allowed to fly. The Kansai airport has been flooded with sand because of the Typhoon. Due to the intense winds of the Typhoon 53 cities have been issued non-compulsory evacuation orders. Around 14,000 residents have been evacuated to town halls or school gyms. 

George H.W. Bushs' Legacy

https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/01/asia/george-h-w-bush-china-intl/index.html The President of China Xi Jinping praised George H.W. Bush...